Solo and Two artists Exhibitions

2013  “Kanako Noda”, Galerie Yellow Fish Art, Montreal, Canada

2011  “Desde Afuera, hacia Dentro”, curated by Gabinete de Arte Ruan Vegas, Secadero 5 Hacienda La Trinidad Parque Cultural, Caracas, Venezuela

2011  “IN ANTI-CAMERA”, curated by Marta Papini and Marco Mangani, BTF Gallery, Bologna, Italy

2010  “Drawings in the 2.5th dimension”, curated by Natlie Finkelstein, Galerie nota bene, Montreal, Canada

2010  “Casa”, curated by Alessandro Mangiarotti, Galerie Yellow Fish Art, Montreal, Canada

2009  “Seesaw”, Gallery Tsukiyo-to-Shonen, Osaka, Japan, Artist talk with Chanky Matsumoto.

2009  “Yellow Project” curated by Stefania Marconi and Marta Papini, Il Post, Bologna, Italy

2008  “Crune” curated by Sabrina Foschini, Imperfetto Gallery, Gambettola, Italy


Group Exhibitions

2015  “Viva Cavandoli!”, Musil Museo dell'Industria e del Lavoro, Rodengo Saiano, Italy

2011  “22 no Kumikyoku”, Tsukiyo-to-Shonen, Osaka, Japan

2009  “At-test” curated by aimaime, Yokohama red brick warehouse Gallery, Yokohama, Japan

2008  “Overture”, Gallery Tsukiyo-to-Shonen, Osaka, Japan

2008  “Premio di incisione Giorgio Morandi XXIII edition”, Morandi museum, Bologna, Italy

2008  “Maggio Fiorito Premio di Pittura”, La Rocca Castle, Cento, Italy

2008  “Documentare la giovane creatività -Pittura”, Gragnani Palace, curated by Comune di Crespellano, Crespellano, Italy

2006  “racine d’origine -programme vidéo” curated by Emma Garzaro / Charles-Éric Billard, Museé d’Art modrne et contemporain de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France 


Related works

2008  Assisted British artist David Tremlett in creating wall drawings from pigment. Projects include a major intervention in the medieval castle in Formigine, Province of Modena well as a show in G7 Gallery in Bologna and wall drawings in private homes in Milano, Roma and Napoli, Italy.

2007  Reproduced miniatures of Japanese artist Hidetoshi Nagasawa’s installation “Nastro”, G7 Gallery, Bologna, Italy



2009 Bachelors of Fine Art, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, Bologna, Italy

2004 Bachelors of Human Science (Cultural antholopology), Osaka University, Osaka, Japan



Papel Literario Non multa, se multm, Lorena González, El National, 8 octobre, 2011, Caracas

Desde Afuera hacia Dentro, María Ángeles Octavio,, 4 octobre, 2011

IN ANTI-CAMERA (Catalog), BTF Gallery, 2011, Bologne

Yellow Project (Online atalog), Articolture s.r.l., 2011, Bologne

Premio di incisione Giorgio Morandi (Catalog),, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, 2008, Bologne

Maggio Fiorito Premio di Pittura (Catalog), Centro Giardinaggio Fiorella, 2008, Cento

Documentare la giovane creatività -Pittura (Catalog), Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, 2008, Vignola